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姓 名: 杨学勇
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 010-82109512
邮 箱: yangxueyong@www.zulkr9n.com
研究方向: 蔬菜发育生物学
最高学历: 农学博士
导师类别: 博士生导师
研究领域: 分子生物学


       杨学勇,博士,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所研究员,长期从事基因表达调控与蔬菜器官发育的研究工作。以第一或通讯作者在Plant Cell、Molecular Plant等国际杂志上发表多篇学术论文。


       为促进葫芦科类作物株型和果型的遗传改良,杨学勇主要从事蔬菜器官发育的遗传和分子机制研究,对葫芦科作物的株型和果型的遗传机理和分子机制进行解析,探索并实践构建适合轻简化栽培的高产优质黄瓜新种质的合成生物学方案。以通讯/第一在植物领域权威期刊《自然植物(Nature Plants)》、《植物细胞(The Plant Cell)》、《分子植物(Molecular Plant)》、《植物生理学(Plant Physiology)》等发表多篇学术论文。获2018年中国农业科学院科学青年科技创新奖,获国家自然科学基金“优青”基金、中国农科院农科英才领军人才B类资助。


  1. Yang, Xueyong#; Yan, Jianbin#; Zhang, Zhen#; Lin, Tao; Xin, Tongxu; Wang, Bowen; Wang, Shenhao; Zhao, Jicheng; Zhang, Zhonghua; Lucas, William; Li, Guohong; Huang, Sanwen*; Regulation of plant architecture by a novel histone acetyltransferase targeting gene bodies, Nature Plants, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-0715-2
  2. Xin, Tongxu#; Zhang, Zhen#; Li, Shuai; Zhang, Shu; Li, Qing; Zhang, Zhong Hua; Huang, Sanwen; Yang, Xueyong*; Genetic Regulation of Ethylene Dosage for Cucumber Fruit Elongation, The Plant Cell, 2019, 31(5): 1063-1076.
  3. Zhang, Zhen#; Wang, Bowen#; Wang, Shenhao#; Lin, Tao; Yang, Li; Zhao, Zunlian; Zhang, Zhonghua; Huang, Sanwen; Yang, Xueyong*; Genome-wide Target Mapping Shows Histone Deacetylase Complex 1 Regulates Cell Proliferation in Cucumber Fruit. Plant Physiology, 2020, 182(1): 167-184
  4. Wang, Shenhao#; Yang, Xueyong#; Xu, M., Lin, X., Lin, T., Qi, J., ... & Huang, Sanwen*. (2015). A rare SNP identified a TCP transcription factor essential for tendril development in cucumber. Molecular plant, 8(12), 1795-1808. 
  5. Yang, Xueyong#*; Wang, Yan#; Jiang, Weijie*; Liu, Xiaoling; Zhang, Xiaomeng; Yu, Hongjun; Huang, Sanwen and Liu, Guoqin (2013) Characterization and Expression Profiling of Cucumber Kinesin Genes during Early Fruit Development: Revealing the Roles of Kinesins in Exponential Cell Production and Enlargement in Cucumber Fruit, Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(14): 4541-4557 


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责人) 2016.1-2019.12
  2. 国家重点研发计划参与 2016.7-2020.12






